Squeaky Wheel
The Summer Scholar's program informational session is tonight, and I'm feeling a little anxious about any chances I would have getting in. The brochure says it's for 'underrepresented minorities', and I really don't feel that I fit the bill, even though my father insists that women are in the minority.

I have had to resort to yanking the mouse wheel out of the bin for the last two nights in a row, since A. and Miss L. have been increasingly active and nocturnal. For the first horrific night, not only did I wake up a half dozen times to a squeaky wheel, but also to a 'twhump!' every time it got too close to the side. As a little experiment yesterday I put them both in the clear rolly ball at the same time to see if they would discover the joys of teamwork and cooperation. I don't think they're quite ready for that. They both would stand on their little hind legs on opposite sides of the ball, thus ensuring that they did not move anywhere.
In the groggy haze of the weekend the fact that I had to read the entirety of L'Avare slipped my mind completely. Of course we had a quiz on it. I did managed to answer a lot of non-Avare related questions in class so hopefully my participation grade is still decent.