Sunday, August 20, 2006

Almay is Back

I finally broke down and made a Wal-Mart trip to get basic necessities, like socks. I got the usual stuff like shaving gel, razors, body wash, and then . . . I found it. The Almay Fragrance-Free Clear Deodorant. Oh, heaven! I don't think I mentioned it before, but it's my favorite antiperspirant of all time. It doesn't smell like anything! At first, I was like "pshaw. I'm going to stink within minutes." But truly, it lasts all day. So anyway, back in like, June, I was way out of deodorant and made a special State College Wal-Mart trip just to pick up that brand. They didn't have it! I was shocked. So I went without deodorant for another day (it was very hot at the time and not a good idea) because I figured they had to have it at McLanahan's. Guess what. It wasn't there, either. So I had to pick up this dumb "power gel" Almay creation that totally wasn't my fragrance-free, and I was very unhappy.

So! I was overcome with joy to see it again. I bought two, just in case. Maybe I should have stocked up more.

I keep finding random important things around the house in weird places. I completely forgot that my adapter was in this box which I just happened to open, or else I would have left it and been very mad. I found my retainers in this box in the basement. I found some things I meant to give my host family up in my room. So now I'm worried that there's a ton of stuff all over the place that I'm missing.


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