Friday, January 20, 2006

Más, Más, Más!

A most unexpected person tapped me on the shoulder today at the bus stop. He was a friend from two summers ago, and it seemed as if he had dropped off the face of the earth. He's back! And he's living in my apartment complex, strangely enough.

In Spanish today we were overviewing the use of 'más' to mean 'more', as in 'the parade had more streakers than normal'. I asked why 'más' had an accent and she said that it was just to separate it from the more ordinary 'mas', meaning 'but'. She then went on to say that you don't really accent it as you speak, or else you would sound like 'MÁS MÁS MÁS!'. However, she said this in an almost orgasmic way, all the while saying 'MORE, MORE, MORE!' She blushed bright red and hurried on to the next section.

On a positive note, my French professor wrote me a glowing letter of recommendation even though a personal letter was not required. ☺

I performed the arduous task of cleaning out the mouse cage and realized that the funky smell was not entirely from the mice but from the water bottle which had been leaking onto the fibrous bits. I let A and Miss F roam around the bathroom for awhile and I think that after awhile, all of that adventure was too much for them so they stayed in one spot and excreted a lot.


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