My apologies for the stubby little posting, but I am seconds away from being deathly ill. I'm sick enough that I don't even want to mention it, sympathy be damned. I did manage to slip out from work an hour early though, since I have to return tomorrow night.
Oh! There was this guy at the movies (probably going for Brokeback Mountain) that, when hearing of his ticket total, whipped out . . . a Louis Vuitton wallet. Is that acceptable? Can guys do that now? I snickered.
And then we had four English students, and they all said "cheers!" as a "thank you". I would pay to have a Briton lull me to sleep with his lilting tones. About a half-hour later, another group of excusively English students came in. I asked politely if that was for some club, and it turns out that there was some International Excursion this evening. So more and more dreamy folk wandered in throughout the night.
I'm done fo

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