In Spanish today I hybridized the words "cierto" and "verdad", meaning yes and truth, and instead responded to one of my partner's answers with "ciudad", which means city. Well, he must not have a lot of humor in his life since he thought this was the absolute funniest thing ever. Each answer afterwards that required an affirmative he would giggle madly and squeak out 'ciudad'! Yes, mixing up words is funny. But not that funny. And now I can foresee hearing that often in the months to come.
HR, during lunch today, suggested several books that are going to be added to the infinite list I have growing. Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs was one. The other was Middlesex, by Jeffrey Eugenides (author of The Virgin Suicides). This gigantic book list is exciting since I am a book junkie but it's starting to become a little overwhelming. I picked up a set of three DVDs and three books today that I had requested from the library:
The Once and Future King
The Encyclopedia of Sex (by Dr. Ruth Westheimer!),
and The Constant Gardener.
DVDs included:
A Christmas Story
Far From Heaven
Forbidden Games.
The aide at the pick-up desk was totally snarky. He kept making short quips about each thing I checked out, and deferentially giving me his opinion on whether it was going to be good or whether I should just return it straightaway and save myself the trouble.
I am anticipating Forbidden Games. It was recommended by Roger Ebert, who I place on a pedestal and worship. Apparently it's a pseudo-Pet Sematery, and very creepy. I hope the creepiness outweighs the inevitable French postwar boringness.
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