It's muggy to the extreme outside, and even the rain that we did get didn't manage to make it any cooler. I tried The Gap again to see if my fragrance was in, and they still didn't have it. I've been told twice now that I should be flattered that I have the taste to pick such a popular smell. Yeah, I'm flattered that so many other people out there smell better than I do. My new glasses were in and they are awesome. I picked them from the Men's side just so I could say "oh, you like them? They're men's frames."
It's amazing how fast two medium sized suitcases fill up. They are now packed to the brim, and I don't even have anything like toiletries in them yet. I'm going to have to make copious use of the front pockets. They're going to bulge like crazy. Hopefully I have gentle baggage handlers or else all of my stuff is going to be nasty and soapy.
On the one hand, I'm like "oh wow, it's Saturday, I'm leaving in a rather short amount of time." Then, I'm like, "but I still have four nights left. Oh man, it's going to go slowly." I still have to pick up stuff like deodorant and hair clips and stuff. And dear lord, my room is so messy. It's embarassingly so.
I got to see Roberto before he leaves us for good. Bye, Rob.
My mother wants me to go to church with her tomorrow. Oh, agony.
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