Movies Movies
In a typical anticlimactic style, I left my very last class of Spring 2006 early because I was hungry. Oh, well. Surprisingly, I received a 20/20 on my Spanish oral exam, with a comment like "Great self-correction!" I really like to be known for that. Barring the final, today's class will have been the last time that I saw Spanish Partner. Bittersweet memory? No, just sweet. He's graduating, and I think I have endured enough maddening giggles to last me a lifetime. I have to remember to write a five page essay on Le Bonheur for Monday.
Pat, Tal, and I watched a double feature of Last Holiday and Hoodwinked. I had a great evening, because not only was Last Holiday funnier than I was expecting, Hoodwinked was even better than I had remembered. Watching a movie is a lot more enjoyable when you have a lot of people around you laughing as well, although it does make it hard to hear some dialogue. Ha;
RED: What big ears you have!
WOLF: All the better to hear your petty insults with.
Now I want to watch it again and catch everything I didn't get the first two times.