Thursday, April 06, 2006

007 Style

Just a couple of minutes ago I got out of Spanish and smoothly tried to impersonate a James Bond move, which unfortunately failed. I stepped on my ankle wrong and almost cascaded down an entire flight of steps. Luckily my superior grace and balance saved me, but I wasn't in the mood to try any more deft actions.

I noticed today that Spanish Partner has this irritating habit of looking at me right before he laughs at anything, supposedly to gauge how amusing the situation really is. My patience with him is wearing incredibly thin. At first it was embarrassingly funny, but now I just want to hit him a lot. Whenever we do partner exercises he always treats me like I'm his little pupil or something. After answering one of the dumb questions he looks at me with a big smile and says "Ahh! Si! Muy bueno!" with a patronizingly goofy tone, like he cannot believe that I have the mental capacity to answer things correctly.

Arrggh, my blood pressure goes up and up just thinking about him, so that can't be healthy.

I have a meeting with my academic adviser today - the one that always acts like I am taking this significant portion of time out of her busy life. I don't know what I did to agonize her so, but it was obviously a big deal.


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