Sunday, August 13, 2006

Two Freaking Dollars

Travis came over this evening and we had a veritable Alias extravaganze. Manface Garner now has these horrible bangs that make her look about seven years old, but I liked the last two episodes that we watched.

I got to see my Aunt Bea today for the first time in over a decade, and I don't know, but I was expecting her to look a little . . . older, I suppose. She's like, eighty four or something but looks pretty good. She was here for some family reunion that we didn't go to since we really don't care about being in touch, apparently. The last time we went all I remember is that there were a ton of bees and that it was killer hot. So I really don't miss those things too much.

The waitress at the restaurant tonight was funny. I saw her storm into the kitchen, and as the doors swung back open, I heard her say "Two freaking dollars! Again!" My mom asked her about this when she brought out the dinners and she told us that this one five-person party always comes in on Sunday and only tips two dollars, when they tip at all. I remembered this one time that my family went to a fancy Chinese place on New Year's Eve and the waitress chased down and vehemently chastised a couple who forgot (perhaps) to tip.

I thought I was doing pretty well in the sorting and packing department until today I found an entire bookcase full of boxes and bags leftover from previous trips. Oh, good. Now I get to wade through those as well.

This 'being at home' thing is really throwing me off. For starters, I can't find freaking anything. First it was my iPod, then it was my phone charger, then it was my backpack, then it was the mouse ball. I'm so used to only being in two or three rooms (bedroom, bathroom, kitchen) so it's pretty easy to track things down. I get all discombobulated with multiple floors.


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