Thursday, July 20, 2006


Frozen yogurt was wonderful! I want to request that personally. I heard a range of compliments, from "Wow! I wish I could take a picture" to "you're a professional" to "you are an ice cream maniac!" That last one was my favorite. It was said by a guy who couldn't believe that I suggested making an ice cream sandwich out of his cookies and vanilla fro-yo. I am a maniac.

Then I had a hellish journey to the Pollock Library to pick up three DVDs (Kinsey, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, The Man Who Wasn't There) and then I travelled to the White Building since I had left a book in one of the lockers. They told me that they are cleaned out every night, so I checked the lost and found, which was fruitless. I then thought to ask them to check the original locker, and there it was. Amazing.

So then I go to CVS to get six passport-sized pictures, and it's hot and gross so of course I forget my recently-discovered book there and am at the freaking post office before I realize it. And of course, just now I remember that I didn't even put the pictures into the envelope. Wonderful.


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