Free Pizza
Travis and I went to the HUB for LateNight since they advertised free pizza, and who could resist that? Well, it turns out, they were really giving away FREE PIZZAS. Like, an entire pizza per person! Amazing! It was Papa John's, and you went up and just took a whole box of pizza. They were like "make sure you share that, wink". So now we have an entire pizza left hanging out in the fridge.
We also played pool badly and I got a wax hand. I had forgotten to numb my hand in the ice water previously to dipping it, and consequently felt the fire of a thousand suns all up and down my fingers and hand. Oh, god, it burned! For a long time afterwards my hand was this unhealthy mottled red and white color.
We've been watching a marathon worth of Alias lately, and it's very different from Lost. Firstly, more than one thing happens per episode, and secondly, they actually reveal things instead of just cliffhanging you to death. Both are good.
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