Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Return

Back up in State College, finally! The only bad part of today was that stupid Bartley forgot to pay the stupid Adelphia bill for something like three months, so it both cable and internet were disconnected. We received a bill warning of service termination dating from May 9th, so this has been a long time coming.

I didn't realize how much food I'd socked away during the year, so it ended up that I bought repeats of things like applesauce, cereal, syrup, oatmeal, etc. My mother and I had a glorious trip to Wegmans today that was almost transcendent.

My nerves of steel paid off yesterday when I won $20 at poker. It ended up with Travis and I in a face-off, and Rob eventually kicking us out at 12:10 (after four "last hands").

Surprisingly enough, Robbie (different from abovementioned Rob) left the apartment in remarkably clean order. I was half expecting shotglasses all over the place and a hooker passed out on the couch, but it appears that he even vacuumed the floor. I tried to clean even more in places like the bathroom but I don't know how long that's going to last.

I'm kind of procrastinating since I know if I go back to the apartment (I'm in the lame 'computer lab' right now) that I'll see all the crap laying around everywhere and be forced to either ignore it or do something about it, like pick it up and move it somewhere else.

Travis (who ought to know) tells me that season 3 of Project Runway is beginning in July. Oh, awesome!

I had the worst insomnia last night and was up until 5 AM just puttering around, stashing random things in random bags to bring here, and reading The Encyclopedia of Murder, which is turning out much better than I had hoped for. My mother had said that we'd leave around nine-tennish, so I figured a little amount of sleep would be better than nothing. I think little is an understatement here - my mother woke me up at 7:50 and said "you know, it's early but I'd like to get going so we can get up there faster". Amazingly enough I managed to get things together and function until about 3:30 when we came back to the apartment after a big Chili's lunch, and my eyelids were heavy and things were starting to lose their sense. It was time for a nap, and I slept until 7-something. It felt so wonderful.


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