Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I sit with a tangled mess of possible course options before me. There are two or three for each time slot that I am interested in, which is a bad thing since it's hard to choose, but good because some of the classes I'm not going to like. So far it looks like:

9:35 - 10:50
Ancient to Medieval Art
Renaissance to Modern Art
Legal Environment of Business
Western Heritage I
Religious Studies

11:10 - 12:25
Intro to Law
German 001
Spanish Composition

12:45 - 2:00
Mass Media in Society
Intro to American Criminal Justice

So there. A pox on all the scheduling gods that decided that classes such as 10:15 - 12:25 should be allowed to exist. That messes up two classes right away.

Oh, Robbie showed up unexpectedly today, and I thank the lord that I was decently dressed. By decent, I mean in a t-shirt and underwear. It could have been so, so bad. He didn't call, or knock, just came in and started doing laundry. I thought that I was going to have to have a showdown with an unknown intruder.

I'm desperate now for another source of pecuniary means, so I've applied as a 'stack-searcher' at the library and plan to apply to tutor athletes (oh, pain) for the summer. Most likely, the tutoring will never come to fruition since I have not taken any classes that they are likely to.

I can't wait for Napster to come back for summer session 2. More accurately, I can't wait to steal Travis' Napster account during summer session 2.


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