Monday, August 07, 2006

Shiny Meat

Nick, Robbie, and Bartley swarmed in yesterday and today in order to completely clear out their stuff. This ended up being a problem, since Nick took the Adelphia router with him, and now I am internet-free. So yes, I am back in the computer lab. This sucks. I do admire their keyboard, though. I am really digging it. It's a lot more sensitive than mine, which you have to pound in order to type correctly. You could whisper on these keys and they would write for you.

There were only 131 campers at work today, which was incredibly relaxing. We had the 'whipped potatoes' and gravy for dinner, which is my favorite side dish in the world. Coincidentially, I also ended up serving them during my shift, as well as the broccoli and the roast beef. The meat smelled and looked really tasty, but as I got closer I noticed that there was a shimmer to it. Like, an iridescent green and pink shimmer, the kind that no meat should have. I asked my fellow old lady line server, and she said that it was just a preservative and that it wasn't a bad thing. In the right light, this roast beef looked like shiny fish. It was really bizarre. At the beginning of my shift I was tempted to try the meat, but by the end it kind of killed my appetite.

I wish that Rob would get online so I could kick his butt at Yahoo Gin.

I took my last shower ever in my apartment today, and I'm actually relieved. The water here is so hard and calcified that it weirds out my hair. Right now, my poor hair feels greasy and dirty, although I washed it like, six hours ago. It sucks, because I get paranoid that people are saying things like "there goes the girl who doesn't shower" even though I do! I miss the water pressure of my freshman dorm. It was like a shiatsu massage every time I showered.


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