20 Years
Oh, happy birthday to me! Woo! My present from this parents this year was the best thing I could have asked for - a luggage set. Now, that wasn't bitter online sarcasm - I love organizational tools. It is a snazzy six-piece number in red and black. Let's see if I can find a picture . . .

Beautiful, no? I also didn't realize that you could check two bags in the cargo hold, so that got me thinking about many packing possibilities.
I was laying awake thinking last night, and perhaps I do want a homestay during the fall. One of the main selling points in favor was "do I really want to travel all that way, intensively study the language for three weeks, and then . . . arrive home to an empty apartment?" It would be kind of nice to have someone waiting for me. I don't know. I think I'll call them on Monday.
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