Wednesday, May 03, 2006


So after Ryan and I went to McDonalds and came back to Simmons, I saw this guy from my Law class standing with a big group of people in the hallway. I raised my hand to wave to him, but in the meantime dropped the whole cup of water on my foot, sending a splash carreening onto the floor. Oh, god, I was mortified. At first, I was like "well, this isn't so bad. I'll never see him again". But then I realized that this was going to be his last impression of me. Nothing I did during the semester can erase me dropping an entire thing of water on my foot.

I'm meeting Montpellier Mina tomorrow at the travel agency in the HUB so that we can talk to someone again about flights from here to France. God, it's such a hassle. I've been trying to ignore the fact that my passport application is still pending since I need to resubmit the photos. Oops.


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