Wednesday, March 22, 2006


In the midst of my tornado of activity on Monday, I managed to make time to chat with a French foreign exchange student from Limogue. We were talking for awhile, his English was good, and I asked him how he liked the United States. He liked it fine, he said, but he'd only been here three weeks.

What? Already his English was practically flawless! When I'm in France people will start correcting my English. Oh, this worries me.

But one thing made me laugh. I asked him about the foods he liked here. All good, he said, but he can't find some things that he usually ate in France. Like what? I asked. When I go to McLanahans, he explained, they never have Polio Cheese.

(here I paused and tried to disguise a sharp giggle)

What kind of cheese? I inquired.

Polio Cheese! They don't have it here!

Um, polio is a disease. It crippled children in the 1950's. I wouldn't keep asking for it.


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