Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I'm becoming a bit concerned about my manager. At first, he was this wacky, chatty guy who would talk about anything. Now, he won't stop, and he's getting a bit cranky to boot. On Saturday, he complained that I was responsible for checking the work of the afternoon (uh, no, manager's job) and yesterday he nitpicked me to death. Halfway through our shift, I went to McLanahan's and asked if he wanted anything. "Oooh! Yeah!" he said, "Get me one of those energy drinks! The big ones! But, ooh, the one in the blue bottle. Oh, the bottle's so cool. It's aguave cactus. In a blue bottle. Man, they're good!"

Wow. So, okay, I get his energy drink (he honestly needed a tranq at this point), and five minutes later he's like, "I'm hungry! Where's a MTO? God, they're so good! Is that Sheetz on Atherton an MTO? Ooh, I want fries! And that chili with the mac and cheese! All right, I'm gonna go!"

He was like this the rest of the evening. Honestly, I thought he was on something. Like crack. He was shaking, and chalked it up to low blood sugar. How weird.

No exceptional customers, though. Oh, wait. Two guys came up and one ordered a medium drink. "What kind of drink?" I asked. "Um . . . let's make it a Spriz-ite."

Spriz-ite. Wow. Jason (fellow employee) heard that and later said that he and his friends now call snowflakes "snizzlefleezies". God, just say it! It makes you want to say it again. Snizzlefleezies.

And I found a site where I can play the entire "Augustus Gloop" song from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It's been on-again/off-again in my head for months. Score!


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