Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Frere Jacques

Today I was talking to Spanish Partner about the days of the week, and he mentioned that you could remember them in Spanish with the tune of Frere Jacques. Nevermind the cross-lingual connection, I had never realized this. He started singing in a high falsetto "Lunes Martes! Lunes Martes! Miercoles! Miercoles!" Oh good god! I was so embarassed! Everybody was staring at us so I made a lot of involuntary shushing noises until, praise the lord, he stopped. He must have little idea of the Socially Acceptable Vocal Tones for Men.

In addition to a five-page essay I have yet to write, I get to serve on a jury tomorrow for Judicial Affairs! Oh, joy! But I can't let any details slip (yeah right) since this is totally confidential. God, I am going to burst with all of these secrets. I'm like another Gretchen Weiners.

And, also, V for Vendetta is coming to our theatre and Nathan is holding an employee-only midnight showing. As much as I want to go (and have free pizza), the whole 'midnight' thing is bumming me out. We'll have to gauge the tiredness tomorrow.


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