Oh, look. Somebody was very clever. Rather than have the sign say, "Thank you for not eating in the Libraries", it has been altered to read "Thank you for not eating the Library!". I don't know, maybe that is kind of funny.

How dirty must Carmike be to require us to buy hand sanitizer in liters?

God, check this out. It's the
I.Q. Zero cash register that I am chained to at work. Look how ghetto. We have pieces of paper taped over the normal buttons since the tags on the originals are so outdated. They have a button for Snickers. Dr. Pepper. We haven't had those for years! Two of my favorite original buttons are "Choc Rain" and "Hot Tom". First of all, "raisins" cannot be abbreviated to "rain". Perhaps something terrible like "Rasn", but that's it. And Hot Tom, as funny as that is, is also sad because it refers to Hot Tamales, which is spelled with an A rather than an O.
I.Q. Zero indeed.

Foodpic: This is of a cheesecake purchased in conjunction with Ryan in South Dining Commons. The taste was decent if a bit flat, but what I really appreciated was the attempt at a fleur-de-lis with blueberries at the bottom. Nice touch, South staff.
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