Game Night
I played two dumb games tonight. It's possible that I just found them dumb because I was looking for quick, easy entertainment, but nevertheless, it was not very fun. The Settlers of Catan was way too complicated (it came with an almanac, alphabetically organized!) and missing pieces, and Nuclear Something had too many rules and contingincies. "Flip over your first card in the face-down pile. If it is a missile or similar weapon of mass destruction, the play continues. If it is a bomb or a nuclear device and a similar weapon has not been played yet, the card is burned and the play continues. If war is declared and the target can counterattack . . ." Blah blah blah. It went on like that forever. I was aching for something simple like Life.
In three out of four classes today we watched videos of some kind. Is it a Friday thing?
I snagged the last Bacon Turkey sandwich today. Those things are coveted. There was only one left by the time I got to the cooler and someone else had their eye on it, but luckily I'm quicker. It was pretty tasty.
Wow, I played a lot of games today that I didn't even realize. Travis dug out this game called Deflection I think that involved both sides having a laser, mirror pieces, and a pharoah. It was a lot more fun than it sounds. The second one we played at Sbarro's, called Cosmic Vomit or something. It was all about rolling dice, which normally is boring after the second turn, but this incorporated a gambling edge to it that kept the interest. I won, too.

Click the pic, but if you can't bring yourself to it says "Don't THONk about it, just come", which would be a good life lesson if it didn't rape my ears when I said it out loud. Not only that, but the O in THON looks like a D. And they forgot that 'thonk' isn't a word. Apparently, it's close enough.
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